Aqua Jogging

Aqua jogging is one popular aquatic theraphy exercise. Aquatic therapy is an exercise program performed in the water for medical conditions. In addition, it is also suitable for obese and older individuals who are experiencing difficulties in performing land exercises. Taking advantage of the physical properties of water, patient is able to use aquatic therapy to provide assistance for therapeutic benefits and relaxation.  Examples of therapeutic application includes back problem, orthopedic rehabilitation and musculoskeletal pain. 

As a result of the upward thrust of buoyancy provided by the water, it helps patient in supporting their weight. Buoyancy also helps patient in performing range of motions, improves flexibility and assist their weaker muscles.  In addition, the resistance as a results of  water viscosity serves as a muscle build up exercise without the need of weights. 

One common aquatic therapy exercise is aqua jogging. It is a form of water jogging that resembles running movement. As a result of the buoyancy of water, there is minimal impact and is safe for almost any injuries. However, one important point to note, to have minimal(near zero) impact, individuals have to find a pool deep enough as the feet are not supposed to touch the bottom of the pool. Pointers for a good working of aqua jogging are to keep upper body as straight as possible and avoid leaning infront too much. In addition, if you are a beginner, it is strongly advised for you to get an aqua jogging vest for assistance and safety purposes.